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To tunnel the OpenGL 2.1 protocol stream through GLX, both ends of the tunnel have to be configured.

Configuration of OpenGL clients

All clients using OpenGL have to be started using the glxPlus script.

The script glxPlus starts an OpenGL client:

/opt/XSOXposeXrecord/bin/glxPlus program_name [program_argument...]

The argument program_name specifies the desired client to start, followed by client specific program_arguments.

The script changes the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to bind the special X-Software GLXplus OpenGL library.

OpenGL distinguishes two rendering techniques, direct rendering and indirect rendering. Direct rendering means that all drawing operations are directly execute by the graphics card, whereas indirect drawing operations are executed by the X Window server. Using GLXplus per se means indirect rendering, although the XmetaX proxy accesses the graphics hardware directly. Some OpenGL clients may disable actually available features or even refuse to work in indirect mode. In these situations setting the environment variable GLXPLUS_REPORT_DIRECT, for instance using the Bourne shell:


or with the C shell:


might help. It lets the GLXplus OpenGL library pretend direct rendering.

Configuration of the XposeXrecord proxy

The statement

options [+|-]GLXplus

enables or disables the option GLXplus for the XposeXrecord proxy. However, only options which are covered by the license key (Licensing) may be enabled. The default setting — no additional options — corresponds to the XposeXrecord base product.

In addition the GLXplus feature must be enabled for each screen (GLXplus).

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